
Franz Lorenz

People want to see catastrophes
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning-Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
People want to see catastrophes. When visitors came in the summer of 1999 their first question was: "Where did the avalanche come down?" They went to the place right away to see if they could find a boot or a hat of one of the victims there. Regrettably, that's the way people are. The mass tourist. It's not so frequent any more. Nowadays our guests are of a very high standard,and also pay well. There are hotels in our village which are totally geared for the traffic which comes up over the high alpine road. They're prepared for busses and groups. That's fine by me. There are also hotels which are not far away from this thoroughfare but are also just as well booked as before. I don't worry. In winter sometimes some guests tell us that when they talk about their holiday at home heir boss says: "Where are you going this year, Mr. Mayr?" Then Mr. Mayr responds: "I'm going to Galtür." The boss answers: "Are you fed up with living - going to Galtür? I still need you to work here." But that's rare. In the village itself the catastrophe has changed people. We are more modest and thoughtful and more willing to try to get along with each other. It is a bitter truth, but then medicine is always bitter.